Registered as a Scottish charity on 12 April 2001 SC031406


There are two separate fees which must be paid for each young person taking part in Scouting as a member of any of the Sections at 10th Fife (1st Cupar) Scouts: Capitation fees and Term fees.


Payable to

Used for

Capitation Fees

£7/mth (12 mths/yr)

Scout Group

  • Capitation fees payable to Scouts Scotland
  • Running the hall: rates, insurance, electricity…

Term Fees

Set by Sections


  • Scouting activities

All fees should be paid by bank transfer or standing order. Section leaders will follow up with parents where fees have not been paid.

Why are they separate?

Doing things this way makes it easier for Leaders to get access to the money they need for Scouting activities.

It also helps us to claim the maximum possible amount of Gift Aid on capitation fees.

What if I can’t pay?

If you are unable to pay fees, please speak to your Section leader. We do not wish for any young person to miss out on Scouting for this reason.

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