Cupar Scouts
Our History
A History
The 10th Fife 1st Cupar Scout Group was established in 1909
The Cupar Group has been very fortunate in that the local newspaper contained three letters in three consecutive weeks detailing the start of Scouting in Cupar in May 1909. We have only included one of those letters here, but the others can be found in our local library.
The Boy Scout Movement in Cupar
( to the Editor)
Sir, - On reading your paper the other day, I was more than pleased to see your attempt to revive the interest in the subject of Boys' Brigade and Boy Scouts. There is scarcely a town or village in the country without some form of organisation and I used to wonder "why not, Cupar".
I mentioned the matter to several townspeople, and was told that ' we had a Boys' Brigade; but, like everything else, it fell through.' I could not understand this at first, as I felt assured it was not for lack or interest on the part of the boys. I have seen hundreds of them follow the volunteers for miles and take a keen interest in all that was done. After a conversation with one of the NCO's of the late Militia Staff, I came to the conclusion that the Brigade died, not for want of interest on the part of the boys, but from a dearth of voluntary instructors.
Now I say again, ' Why not Cupar?' - Either Boys' Brigade or Boy Scouts or a combination of both.
The Boy Scout Movement is, I believe, a splendid one, outside altogether of the military point of view, to the country in having our boys trained in duties: the value of the training to the boys themselves would make it well worthwhile. The discipline and drill, could not fail to be good for them, and from a health point of view they would be much better out in the open country in the evening or on a Saturday than hanging about dusty street corners, From a moral stand-point, they would be better in the country than picking up bad language at street corners. Then, the educational advantage would be considerable. They would be taught, at least, the rudiments of Military Topography (The science of map making) and also how to read a map, or verbal or written instructions in a strange country. This is a subject that is being taken up by the Educational Department and is useful to a man in any station of life. They would also get a better knowledge of nature than they would obtain from all the lessons on that subject ever taught in a classroom.
There should be plenty of men in Cupar with the necessary knowledge, if they could be persuaded to give part of their leisure time to the work.
Personally, I would be willing to do everything in my power to help; and should anyone with more influence than I, care to get a start made in the matter, they will find that I will be perfectly willing to respond to any reasonable demand on my spare time.
I think I am qualified to give instruction in most of the branches likely to be required.
Trust you will find a space in your paper for, at least a part of, this rather long letter.
I am, Sir, etc.
W. M. Wallace
Janitor Bell Baxter School Cupar
10th May 1909
The local schoolmaster, Mr Lewis Graham, together with the School Janitor, Mr William Wallace officially became the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster respectively, a week later. In the next six months Mr Lewis Graham and Dr Dewar, a local Doctor and our first Group Chairman, went on to help found the Fifeshire Boy Scout Association.
The wooden hall built in 1951 lasted for 45 years.
Our new (current) hall was opened on 11th October1996 by Garth Morrision - Cheif Scout at that time. It was a custom build with games hall, meeting rooms and control rooms along with easy access for all. A large store room for equipment and space out front for loading.